10. Fundamentals of Rendering in Blender

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    • - 10-blender-fundamentals-rendering-files.zip
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    • - 10-blender-fundamentals-rendering-videos.zip
      808 MB

2019 Educator Blender Bundle

This course is included within the Introduction to Blender complete bundle for educators.

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Rendering for computer graphics is like the oven is for baking. It's the process of taking all your ingredients (3D models, shaders, lighting, animation, etc.), setting the oven temperature (render settings), and waiting for it to finish "cooking". 

With computer graphics, rendering takes the form of finalizing 3D elements into image or movie format. As you can imagine, the higher the quality, the longer it takes to finish rendering. So we have to ask ourselves "How fast can we get this scene to render with the least noticeable drop in quality?" Rendering really boils down to the art of compromising. And this course explains fundamental concepts of Cycles so you can understand how to make the best compromise.


Chapter 1: General Options

Rendering options that aren't specific to a render engine.

  • Dimensions & Stamp
  • Rendering Interface
  • Output

Chapter 2: Cycles Render Properties

Options specific to the Cycle render engine.

* Camera & Depth of Field

* Sampling

* Clamping

* Light Paths Overview

* Light Paths Optimization

* Motion Blur

* Film

* Performance

* Tip: Filmic Color Management

Chapter 3: Viewport

Outputting Blender's viewport as an image or animation.

* OpenGL Rendering

Licensing: You're free to use this resource in up to three classrooms and of course for yourself!