6. Fundamentals of Lighting

  • Files: 2
    • - 6-blender-fundamentals-lighting-files.zip
      382 KB
    • - 6-blender-fundamentals-lighting-videos.zip
      831 MB

2019 Educator Blender Bundle

This course is included within the Introduction to Blender complete bundle for educators.

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Without light nothing can be seen, thus it is extremely important. And beyond the basic requirement for sight, lighting is equally, if not more important for appeal. After you know the basics of how to illuminate, the next step for a lighting artist is developing attractive illumination. The baseline light setup is called "3 Point Lighting". The application chapter covers this as well as how to illuminate your scene entirely with a single HDRi environment texture.

Chapter 1: Types of Illumination (Cycles)
* Point Lamp
* Sun Lamp
* Spot Lamp
* Area Lamp
* Mesh Emission
* World Environment

Chapter 2: Application (Cycles)
It's one thing to know how to introduce light into your scene and another to make illumination appealing. This chapter covers a standard 3-point light setup along with HDRi illumination.
* 3 Point Lighting: Key
* 3 Point Lighting: Fill
* 3 Point Lighting: Back/Rim
* HDRI Illumination
Licensing: You're free to use this resource in up to three classrooms and of course for yourself!